About Us

Who Are We?

We are a small business ran out of the small town (population 2,258) of Kimball Nebraska. Our business is ran by partners Brady Brown and Daniel Wright. We both work full time jobs in addition to running this business, and it's ran exclusively by the two of us. Brady is both the physical labor and financial mastermind when it comes to his duties, which include packing orders, managing finances, and planning, while Daniel (AKA me) takes care of online affairs like creating our website, editing videos and promotional material, and running our social media pages. I also host our Tiktok live sales. Brady and I met in 2020 and are now engaged. Some of my passions include drag, videography, and watching films and tv, while Brady enjoys gardening, cooking, puzzles, and above all else, music.

How Did We Get Started?

All Your Favorite Crystals was founded in September of 2023 by us after attending the Denver Gem and Mineral Show for our first time ever. We were not only blown away by the world we discovered there, but were also inspired to affordably bring that world to as many people as we possibly can. The next weekend we returned to the show and hand selected our first inventory for our first business venture together. We both have always adored crystals, since we were children, so when Brady proposed the idea of building a business around supplying crystal lovers like us with beautiful pieces at more affordable prices than what we usually see on the market, I was all in. Getting to work together on something we both love is a gift. A gift that is given to us by all of you.

What Do We Do?

We are perfectionists at heart. As a result we strive to hand select as much of our inventory as possible to make sure you are only getting the best, it's also extremely important that we do it that way to ensure that we can offer you all prices that are not only affordable, but exceptional given the pieces we offer. We sell crystals via our website, Tiktok livestreams, as well as at in-person sales at various markets and vending events. Every penny we make is filtered back into the business, and we love every minute we spend working on it.

What Do We Promise?

We promise that you will love your order from us. We promise to always strive towards great deals on great pieces for you all. But above all we promise that if you buy from us you are not only supporting a small business, you are supporting a dream that we've both shared for years. We promise to remember that with every order we pack. Thank you.